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Влог о Японии — Все что вы хотели знать о жизни в Японии
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Letsgo National Museum of Korea 4K
DJI Osmo Pocket
National Museum of Korea
The National Museum of Korea is the flagship museum of Korean history and art in South Korea and is the cultural organization that represents Korea. Since its establishment in 1945,[2] the museum has been committed to various studies and research activities in the fields of archaeology, history, and art, continuously developing a variety of exhibitions and education programs.
In 2012, it was reported that since its relocation to Yongsan District in 2005, the museum had attracted an attendance of 20 million visitors, or over 3 million annually which makes it one of the most visited museums in the world and Asia and the most visited in South Korea.[3][4] A poll of nearly 2,000 foreign visitors, conducted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government in November 2011, stated that visiting the museum is one of their favorite activities in Seoul.[5] It is one of the largest museums in Asia.
Исторический дворец Токсугун в центре Сеула. Самый маленький королевский дворец из пяти, но самый уютный. Каждый кирпичик дворцового комплекса наполнен историческими событиями.